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PYC4813  Cognitive and Neuroscience

This model is often experienced as very challenging and requires much broader reading and own research in order to prepare the vast and numerous topics for exams (which consist of over 60 essay and paragraph type questions, as well as over 100 short questions. Apart from this, it is a most exciting, rapid growing research field that lies at the intersection of cognitive psychology, neuropsychology and neuroscience. It is also a preferred module students add to their studies, to broaden their knowledge and understanding of related psychological disciplines, among others Psychopathology, Sport Psychology, Developmental Psychology, etc.


Assistance is provided with:


-     Assignments of which:

o   The 1st is a multiple choice assignment; and

o   The 2nd is to prepare and write a scientific research article for a Cognitive Neuroscience journal, by conducting your own research study on selected participants, based on one topic from a list provided. We assist in the research study process, preparing the article to comply with the editor’s guidelines, consulting up to date research, and the lay out, i.e.  abstract, literature review, formulation of the research question(s) and hypotheses, research methodology (including design, sample, instruments, and procedure, as well as ethical considerations), analysis of data, presentation and discussion of the results obtained. This process provides an excellent foundation for research and preparation of a report/article/thesis required for master’s level.


-     Exam prep by engaging with the relevant topics and notes are made available to cover the prescribed topics. Notes incorporate various sources from other textbooks and research articles.

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