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Frequently Asked Questions

The notes are couriered as hard copies worldwide. The courier fee is calculated on where the notes are being delivered. Notes take 1-5 working days to be delivered in South Africa (not including Saturdays) and about 1-3 weeks for International Delivery. For more information on the notes see the postgraduate notes page or undergraduate notes page. To order notes please go to the order notes page.

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How do I get the notes and how long do they take?

All classes are held via our online platform on the Internet. This means that the classes can be attended from anywhere in the world. For more information go to our what are online classes page.

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Where are the live classes held?

Psych Online Tutors has classes for both undergraduate and post graduate modules see our online classes page for more information.

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What modules do Psych Online Tutors tutor in?
What do the notes consist of?

Each set of notes is tailored to the subject using the tutorial letters, textbooks, recommended readings, past exam papers and our years of experience of the subject. Each one is designed with the idea that you should essentially be able to work from just the notes in preparation for exams. For more information on the each of the notes see the postgraduate notes page or undergraduate notes page. To order notes please go to the order notes page.

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All live classes are recorded and uploaded shortly after the class has been completed. This means that if you are unable to attend class or you thought it was so awesome you would like to listen to it again you are able to do so at your leisure. Furthermore, if you join classes late in the year you are able to purchase the recordings of the past classes so that you can catch up and aren't behind the rest of the class. For more information on our online classes please see the online classes page.

What if I can't attend the live class?

Payment can be made via cash (if in Cape Town) or EFT. Notes are to be paid upfront. Classes are paid for in advance, i.e.: At the end of January you will pay for February's classes. To become a student please go to the become a student page and to order notes please see the order notes page.

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How does payment work?
Should I take all 8 modules in one year?
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The short answer is no. Honours is way more intense than undergrad and requires a lot more time and effort. If you are wanting to get into Masters, there is alot more that you need on your application to be successful. See our page: Should I do all 8 modules in one year for more information and opinions of some students who have tried.

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