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Psychology and Jobs in the field

What is Psychology all about?

Psychology attempts to understand the behaviour of people (as individuals or in groups) and includes aspects, such as cognition, abnormal behaviour, family functioning, human development, learning, neurological and physiological functioning, careers, personality and assessment. To register as a psychologist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa, you need to complete a master’s degree, and meet other requirements, such as completing an internship, passing a professional board examination and completing community service.


Besides B.Psych Equivalent and Masters Degree what can I do with my psychology degree/s?


Possible job titles related to psychology

·         Community development practitioner and training facilitator

·         Education officer

·         Employee wellness practitioner

·         Lecturer

·         Life coach

·         Market research practitioner

·         Monitoring and evaluation practitioner

·         Psychologist in various fields (on completion of a specialised master’s degree, internship and professional board examination and, in the case of

             clinical psychology, a community work year)

·         Policy researcher

·         Programme evaluation and research practitioner

·         Researcher


Possible work environments related to psychology

·         Community and rehabilitation clinics and other health care facilities

·         Community-based organisations

·         Consultancies

·         Government departments (e.g. Department of Higher Education and Training, Department of Health, Department of Labour, Department of Social

             Development, SAPS and Correctional Services, South African National Defence Force)

·         Health care administration organisations

·         International aid organisations

·         Local clinics

·         Market research organisations

·         Non-profit organisations

·         Private, public and psychiatric hospitals

·         Monitoring and evaluation consultancies or organisations

·         Self-employment

·         Social research institutions (e.g. HSRC, NRF)

·         Universities and universities of technology


These are just the tip of the ice-berg in terms of options. One needs to be creative and tenacious and make your degree work for you.

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